Lowongan Kerja Seminyak Oktober 2014 All Position Vacant In Luna2 Luna2 Inc

Luna2 designs, develops and manages the Luna2 collection of hospitality properties for its Luna2 club members. The visionaryLuna2 collection is a spectrum of cosmic spaces in key hot spots around the world, providing the ultimate forum for its Luna2 club members, to sustain their high-octane lifestyles.
Luna2 is looking for
1. Chief Accountant
2. Bartender
3. Waiter/Waitress
4. Sous Chef
5. Chef de Partie
6. Reception/Front Desk Agent
7. Night Audit
8. Engineering
9. Public Area
General Qualification
1. Male/Female max 35 years old
2. Education background minimal Senior High School (Diploma for Job 1)
3. At the same role min 1 year
4. Good personality and willing to work with Luna2 team members
5. Good English both verbal and written
How To Apply
Send your complete resume to hrspvsr@luna2.com
HR Supervisor
Luna2 Private Hotel & Luna2 Studiotel
(0361) 730402
Jl Sarinande No 22, Seminyak
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